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These are some useful links to other organisations who can give support for various issues/concerns and life experiences.
Bullying UK - An anti-bullying website with lots of useful information.
Winston's Wish - Practical support and guidance to anyone concerned about a grieving child
Hope Again - For young people to support each other over the death of someone close
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide -Supports those suffering bereavement due to suicide
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales - Information on prevention of offending and re-offending for anyone under 18
Metropolitan Police Service - For information on personal safety advice for young people
Stress Busting - Covers a range of stress issues with a mini survey to assess how stressed you are.
Safespace - A series of blogs written by those recovering or recovered from mental health conditions.
Suicide & Psychosis - Some useful and helpful information.
Divorce Aid - Information about divorce, with a section for young people
Cafcass - Information if parents are going to Court, because they cannot agree on who will look after you
Womens Aid - Help and information for young people and adults on the issue of domestic abuse.
Childline - Free confidential helpline: 0800 11 11
NSPCC - charity to help end cruelty to children. Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Refuge - Urgent support for women and children suffering from domestic abuse.
Victim Support - For those who need support after a crime.
Respect Phoneline - Support to help perpetrators to stop abuse.
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation - For advice and support for any smoker who wants to quit
FRANK - The national drugs helpline with information for both young people and adults it also has a free helpline number
Nacoa - National Association for children of alcoholics
The National Centre for Eating Disorders - A national site for reference on eating disorders.
Weightwise The Next Generation - Advice on healthy foods and recipes.
BEAT - A supportive charity for those beating eating disorders.
Health Forteens - General information
Youth Mental Health First Aid - Supportive & Helpful Information
Shelter - A national homeless charity.
Harborough Council - Harborough Council support for homelessness. - A government site giving information on how to get help with text bullying
Stop - A site with facts, videos, games and tips about bullying.
Better Internet For Kids - A site promoting safe digital habits for children. It has blog posts for trending internet topics and even has a hotline where families can receive support, and report anything suspicious online.
The Proud Trust - The Proud Trust is an LGBT+ youth charity empowering young people to be proud of who they are.
Mermaids - Supporting trans, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people and their familes.
Bloody Good Period - Support for those struggling with period poverty.
Period problems - NHS - Information for those struggling with their periods.
Endometriosis UK - Support and information for those suffering with endometriosis.
Young Minds - comprehensive resource on all aspects of mental health and well-being for young people and parents. Parent helpline : 0808 802 5544
Samaritans - A site that provides confidential and emotional support 24hrs a day in email, telephone, letter and face to face. Local number Tel: 0116 2700 007 or 08457 90 90 90
Sane - A website which aims to improve the quality of life for people affected by mental illness Saneline: 0845 767 80000
Mind – Information to help and promote a better understanding of mental health
Teens Health - Information on body image, families, emotions and how to deal with it
Rethink - A national charity that offers plentiful online advice and information about mental health.
Papyrus - A national charity for the prevention of young suicide. They also offer HOPELineUK a confidential advice and support service. 080006841 Text: 07786 209697 Email: (Monday to Friday 10am-10pm; Saturday to Sunday 2pm-10pm).
Mind - Information and support on prevention of self harm
Harmless - A user-led charity providing a range of services to those who self-harm, their friends, families and professionals. - Free online self-harm support for 10-17 year olds. - Calm Harm App
This is Abuse - Contains videos, polls, a message board and contact information where you can find help.
Support Line - Advice and support for people suffering from abuse.
Childline - Free confidential helpline: 0800 11 11
NSPCC - Charity to help end cruelty to children. Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Brook - For sexual health advice
Terrence Higgins Trust - Advice and support regarding issues around sexuality
FPA - Sexual health advice, information and support
Young Carers - Information, advice, support and money issues for young carers
Barnardos - Support for young carers in Leicester
A National Voice – News stories for young people in care, written and edited by young people
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