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Please see below a list of answers to any questions you may have.
It is free to attend groups and activities at The CUBE. The cost to run The CUBE is covered through grants and donations.
We must have contact information for all members of The CUBE in case of an emergency or concern. The CUBE policy is that this is the young person's primary carer.
Have a look at the activities page to see what we do. We have a great outdoor space which we make good use of. Indoors is good too, designed by young people for young people.
Safety at The CUBE is one of our top priorities. We safely recruit people to work with young people which means we check their history and skills. And we risk assess all our activities. We never run groups if we do not have enough leaders.
For one off donations you can donate through PayPal below.
If you would like to give regularly through a standing order and are a tax payer, we would love it if you could also complete a Gift Aid form. This means we can then claim back the tax that you have paid on the donation, with no additional cost to you
We ask all young people for consent to attend our groups and activities. This includes consent for emergency and medical treatment and preferences for social media and photography.
Young people under 16 need to ask their primary carer to provide this information. Those 16 and over can give their own consent.
Our consent form asks whether a young person will be dropped of and collected, or make their own way to The CUBE. We will check that those under 16 will only be allowed to leave if we have permission for them to do so.
All activities with young people not yet at secondary school require them to be dropped off and collected from The CUBE.
For those young people at secondary school we expect it to be a decision made with parents. We find that the dark nights and wet weather brings parents out more.
Our policy is to work with parents and guardians and whenever we can provide support. We believe positive parental involvement is very important for young people.
If we have a serious safeguarding concern about a young person we can only contact the authorities.
If a young person is consistently not responding to a leaders request and causing harm to themselves, others or property, we would contact you.
All members of The CUBE give us consent for photography. This consent says whether or not photos can be used in the building, on social media, for promotions and the website.
If yu look at the photography on this website you will see how non of the young people in the images are identifiable. This is our standard.
If we want to promote something specific and need images with faces we would contact all participating young people first, such as a photo in the local paper.
Copyright © 2024 The CUBE on Symingtons - All Rights Reserved
Registered Charity Number: 1110510
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Thursday January 23rd 7pm at The CUBE on Symingtons.
You are welcome to join us at our AGM and hear about our work.